A New Paradigm

MRI-DTI is a newer MRI sequence that is much more sensitive at detecting signs of axonal shearing due to brain trauma than conventional CT or MRI imaging. 



Visualizations of the corpus callosum or other fiber tracts show abnormalities due to tearing of the axons. Z-Map analysis shows abnormalities in fractional anisotropy due to damage from injury.

Imaging Site Options

HOAG Hospital Newport Beach
HOAG has 3 Tesla MRI-DTI capabilities and is located nearby.

Other MRI Facilities
We also accept and analyze statistically MRI-DTI scans from most other facilities. Please contact us for details.





TBI's can be detected with MRI-DTI by measuring a property called fractional anisotropy (FA) and comparing the FA values of different voxels in the brain to normal controls.



Hypoxia from Carbon Monoxide poisoning or near-drowning events can cause significant aberrations in FA on MRI-DTI.


Schizophrenia is associated with significant reduction in FA values in regions such as the corpus callosum.





Quantitative image analysis provides objective statistical measurements of brain abnormalities in brain injury cases, which are often overlooked by conventional radiologists. Feel free to reach out.